Our upcoming show: 2034!A play that anticipates the future through the veneer of a magic show that is suddenly drawn into the jaws of a strange reality – a reality unknown to the audience which – when it saw the events unfold on stage initially, had no inkling about the world that the magicians and the other characters actually occupied. It is inspired by a play of yore – written by Badal Sarkar – the theatre magician who gave India ‘Evam Indrajit’ – possibly the first play which introduced Indian theatre to the western genres of absurdist and minimalist theatre. 2034 contains Sarkar’s signature effects – a theatre in direct contact with the audience with the magician Moinak interacting with some of them at the beginning as part of his magic show – but it is not third theatre, for the rest of the play unfolds on stage, and at the end, transports the audience into a reality they might not have anticipated amidst the ambience of breezy light humour which envelopes the play almost throughout its duration.
Next show: Academy of Fine Arts 24th June (Saturday) at 3:00pm Online ticket booking: https://www.thirdbell.in/events/2034 |